The president Della Burford once again welcomed all members and two visitors to the November meeting. After the usual discussions the AGM went ahead.

Della was once again elected presidents, the committee, en bloc with the exception of two members who wished to resign. Della then thanked the committee for their help over the last twelve months, this being appreciated.

A very enjoyable supper was given by Ann Smith. Following the raffle was the competition results: Flower from my garden 1 Angela Dyke, 2 Dinah Holder, there was only two entries. Competition for a brooch 1 Sylvia Muller, 2 Pauline Parr, 3 Dinah Holder. There were eleven entries for this competition.

The next meeting on December 9 we are to have a Christmas Supper. This will obviously be nice to look forward to. The competition will be for a table decoration with a candle. There will also be a bring and buy table which will be anything in a packet. This will be as usual in the Crawford Hall commencing at 7.45pm.

We look forward to meeting new members and visitors, do please come along. Our best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.