One or two things are about to be put in motion from the EU, and the people need to understand just what is going on. From April 2011, we will witness the greatest infringement ever experienced on our human rights, democratic freedoms and health choice.

We will no longer have the freedom-to-choose, "natural heath products" or the right-to-decide what we wish to eat, drink or medicate - to responsibly manage our own health. Why is this you may ask.

Thousands of beneficial "natural" foods, herbs, products and supplements, proven "safe" and effective for centuries and still commonly used will be banned and removed from shops forever. To make matters worse, the majority of cultural foods and practices from non- European countries will also be banned from entering the UK. Who was responsible for this? to avoid any opposition, this government (including cross party leaders/ members) secretly approved EU regulations behind closed doors, to deliberately keep you and the entire UK population in the dark.

This will effect practitioners, therapists, small health businesses, which resulting in a threat to our health, lives and livelihoods, as we know it today. Its time this government took this nation out of the clutches of the European Union.

Mr John White, Linden Close, Evesham.