MEMBERS of the Pershore & District branch of Arthritis Research UK were told at their annual meeting that £800 had been sent to Arthritis Research during the year.

President Helen Fowler said the branch was now planning events to mark the 75th anniversary of the national organisation, including a member doing a parachute jump.

She said fund-raising for the new year had begun well with £200 raised at a local charity fair in Fladbury, and a most enjoyable Italian evening sponsored by Pio at his White Horse Hotel restaurant in Pershore last Friday raised a further £525.

“We are grateful to all who supported these events and our many others over the past 28 years of our local branch,” Mrs Fowler said.

Tribute was paid to the work of Sheila Grantham, who stood down from the committee earlier this year, and to Mrs Meyrick’s role as previous chairman.