A STRATFORD district councillor who has quit after child pornography was found on his computer has denied knowing the images were there.

Tory Chris Pilkington, who lives in Shipston, was re-elected for the Vale of the Red Horse ward, which includes Tysoe, Edgehill, Whatcote and Pillerton Priors, with a 384 majority in May.

He was asked to resign from the Conservative Party and the district council after police visited his home on August 2.

The 38-year-old unmarried councillor was cautioned in the presence of his solicitor after child pornography was found on the council-owned computer at his home.

However, Mr Pilkington of Norluck Court, Watery Lane, Shipston, told the Journal he did not know the images were on his computer.

"It's no secret. I have been given a caution by the police. The council found images on a computer I had, which was broken. I didn't know they were on it.

"The police are happy with giving me a caution and I thought that was the end of it. The images were there but I'm afraid I still don't really know how they got there."

He said he was "putting his hand up to being nave".

"If I had known things could be downloaded onto my computer I wouldn't have had a computer in my house."

He categorically denied that he was a paedophile or interested in child pornography.

"When they (the police) showed me two pictures I felt physically sick," he said.

Mr Pilkington, whose parents and sister live at separate addresses in Shipston, said his main focus now was to protect his family and himself.

"I have a meeting with the police this afternoon and they basically said I should be very careful about what I do.

"They have suggested I change my car and be very careful where I go."

He said that he was going to see his elderly parents on Tuesday evening to break the news to them.

Mr Pilkington said he was still determined to get back into public life, probably after he comes off the Sex Offenders Register in five years' time. After the story broke on Tuesday, Mr Pilkington told his manager at NFU Mutual in Stratford, where he works as a senior clerk. "They are standing by me at the moment," he said. Stratford District Council leader Bob Stevens said: "It is not acceptable for someone in public life. We had no hesitation but to invite him to resign when we found out." The Conservatives have lost their overall majority of one as a result of the resignation and a by-election will take place on September 19. Mr Pilkington was chairman of the district council corporate services overview and scrutiny committee and Stour area community committee. He was also chairman of the Shipston division Conservative Association and deputy chairman of the Tysoe Conservative branch. Reverend David Knight, vicar of St Mary's Church, Tysoe, where Mr Pilkington is deputy churchwarden, said: "I'm staggered by this. He is well known in the village and people will be stunned. "The Church of England does have clear policies on this." NFU Mutual spokesman Tim Price said: "This matter was only brought to our attention on Tuesday. We are currently investigating the employment issues involved and will be taking any necessary action." Warwickshire police spokeswoman Cathy Ward said: "I can confirm a 38-year-old man from Shipston was cautioned on August 2 on two counts of possessing indecent images of children. He was required to register himself on the Sex Offenders Register."