DISTRICT councillors are set to decide on plans for a major new housing estate in Badsey.

A scheme to build up to 95 homes off Birmingham Road comes before Wychavon’s planning committee on Thursday (December 5).

The plan by Bloor Homes relates to a site made up of several fields and which covers almost six hectares of farmland.

OUTLINE: The site would be accessed from Birmingham RoadOUTLINE: The site would be accessed from Birmingham Road (Image: Turley)

The developer says the project would help address Wychavon’s housing shortfall - and points out that there are other large housing developments in the works in Badsey.

But villagers and Badsey Parish Council have raised concerns over the development.

Parish councillors said the entrance to the site from Birmingham Road is on a busy HGV route and would make leaving the site difficult.

READ MORE: Plan for 95 more homes in village near Evesham

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“There is no safe walking or cycle route for children to get to school,” they said. “How will pupils get to school? More car journeys would add to the already congested roads and centre of Badsey.”

They also said the site is in open countryside outside the built area of the village and would represent “urban sprawl rather than sustainable development”.

Worcestershire Children’s First, which has since been folded back into the county council, objected to the scheme.

It said Badsey First School does not have enough capacity to cope with extra children from this development as well as the others planned for the village.

Worcestershire Highways said if the development was to go ahead, Bloor Homes should meet the costs of extending the 30mph limit section of Birmingham Road to include the entrance to the site.

The department said if all its conditions were met, the proposal would not exacerbate existing highway safety issues.

Other suggested highways improvements include a shared footpath and cyclepath on the eastern side of Birmingham Road and a signal-controlled pedestrian crossing on Bretforton Road.

The application is for outline planning permission, so if it is granted Bloor Homes will need to come back and get approval for more detailed plans before it can start construction.