A MAN in a Worcestershire village has turned his house into an evil laboratory for Halloween. 

Paul Curtis, who lives in South Littleton, has transformed his home into a spooky experience for the villages children only a year after turning his lawn into a murder mystery. 

The experience will last for four hours and will tell the story of what happens when you mix dog, cat, rabbit and t-rex DNA. 

Children will be given name badges as well as a test tube full of sherbet. 

Mr Curtis said: "This year we have gone all out. 

"Last year we had an old fashioned police murder mystery in our front garden and everyone loved it. 

"All the neighbours said it was fantastic and asked what's next, so we have gone bigger and better. 

"Children will be taken through a briefing room and a security room before gaining access to the laboratory and being evacuated.

"The experience will run throughout the house. 

"We will be mixing dogs, cats, rabbits and t-rex DNA because why not. 

"I'm loving it, it started off small and we have just gone bigger and bigger.

"I'm not going to stop until we run out of money or I get told off by my wife."

The South Littleton resident has already decided on a theme for next year which will be an abandoned hostel. 

Mr Curtis continued: "I grew up in the sticks on a farm in the middle of nowhere where there was no trick or treaters. 

"Then I moved to another farm in the middle of nowhere and there were still no trick or treaters.

"The first year we moved into a village I was sat by the door and I think I was more excited than all the children that were doing it. 

"I think I have watched too many American movies and gone a bit to over the top."

Evvil Labs will be open between 4pm and 8pm on October 31 at 18 Norval Road.

Children will also be given lab coats and able to use a photobooth.