A RESCUE dog that became one of West Mercia Police's best dog arresters is heading for retirement after a fantastic career.

PD Shadow has been working for the force since he was found abandoned in Wolverhampton.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: "After an incredible career, PD Shadow is officially hanging up his harness at the age of nine (or 10).

"Why don't we know his age? Sadly, Shadow had a tough start to life.

"He was found tied to a lamppost in Wolverhampton, with no record of his early days as a pup.

Shadow has been praised for his tenacity and spirit during his time working for West Mercia.

The spokesperson added: "Over the years, Shadow has become one of our top dog arresters, making a huge impact on the force and helping to keep our local communities safe.

"We'll miss him very much, but we are so happy to see him step into a well-deserved retirement.

"Thank you for your service, shadow."