Residents have the chance to win £100 by completing a survey.

The Wychavon Residents' Survey is open until Sunday, October 13 and is looking for opinions on council services and upcoming changes to waste and recycling collections.

This year, there are also questions on the new food waste collection service that Wychavon District Council will be introducing by March 2026.

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Residents will be asked how likely they are to use the service and what Wychavon can do to help them reduce their food waste.

The feedback will influence the design of the new service.

The survey also asks residents to rank priority issues and suggest where Wychavon should put its resources.

The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

Everyone who completes it will have the opportunity to enter a free prize draw to win £100 to spend with an independent community business of their choice.

Councillor Chris Day, leader of the council, said: "Last year, more than 1,700 of you took part in the survey and we used those views to help produce our new We Are Wychavon Plan, which is our vision for the district until 2028.

"Your views really do make a difference, so please take the time to have your say."

To take the survey, visit