A review of more than 80 polling stations across Wychavon is being carried out.

Wychavon District Council is assessing the suitability of buildings used as polling stations during elections, and residents are encouraged to provide feedback.

The review will consider factors such as parking, accessibility, and the general suitability of each location.

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Suggestions for alternative venues are also welcome.

Residents can comment on the configuration of polling districts, which are smaller areas within electoral wards used to determine voting locations.

If a resident believes a neighbourhood or community would be better served by a different polling district within the same electoral ward, they can propose changes.

Wychavon’s chief executive and acting returning officer at elections, Vic Allison, said: "We want to make it as easy as possible for people to cast their vote at election time.

"That’s why we regularly review our polling places and districts to make sure they are still suitable and the best option for voters.

"We’re interested in people’s experience of using our current polling places, particularly those with disabilities, and any suggestions they may have for alternative venues, so please get involved in the consultation."

The consultation will run until Friday, October 18.

Residents can participate via the Wychavon District Council website or by emailing or writing to the council.