A warning has been issued to motorists to avoid picking up viruses on petrol station fuel pumps ahead of cold and flu season.

Automotive experts have highlighted the potential for these commonly touched objects to harbour germs.

Graham Conway, from Select Car Leasing, said: "Many people are aware of how viruses spread and understand the importance of washing your hands regularly while also avoiding touching your face, eyes and mouth during the autumn and winter months.

"But there are a host of other regularly-touched items that fly under the radar when it comes to virus transmission, and one of them is the petrol station fuel pump handle."

Mr Conway advised drivers to keep disinfectant wipes in their vehicles for immediate cleaning after refuelling.

He added: "Or at the very least, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly when your journey is finished."

Studies have previously identified fuel pumps as potent virus carriers, with more germs than a household toilet.