FIREFIGHTERS were called to fire halfway through their demonstration at a quirky village show but returned to finish the job.

Pebworth Party in the Park went off without a hitch this year despite the fire service being called away and the events regular cow supplier being unavailable. 

The party, which is a popular event in the village, is best known for its great atmosphere and quirky events including, cowpat bingo, The Red Barrows and hobbyhorse racing. 

Karen Pearson, one of the organisers of Pebworth Party in the Park, said: "It was brilliant, we were very lucky and had perfect weather, there wasn't a drop of rain. 

"We must of had around 1,700 people through the gate and it was a lovely friendly atmosphere. 

"The only slight hiccup came during the fire service demonstration when the firefighters were called away to a stubble field fire, but thankfully the person trapped inside the demonstration was able to get out and the firefighters even came back to finish.

"The hobbyhorse racing was especially good, both kids and adults loved it and everyone was in great spirits.

"It will definitely be a favourite for next time."

Pebworth Party in the Park is a biannual event that has been happening in the village for over two decades, with the profits going towards local causes. 

Ms Pearson continued: "The Red Barrows (Pebworth's village-famous wheelbarrow display team) were funny as always and well received, one stormed off and returned as Darth Vader. 

"For one year only we had a dress-up cow for cowpat bingo as our normal cow supplier was unavailable. 

"Someone rigged up a machine with fake poo and the two people dressed as a cow were spun around. 

"Overall it was a truly spectacular and fun day out and everyone I spoke to said they loved it. 

"The Red Barrows, cowpat bingo and hobbyhorse racing were definitely the favourites and I'm sure they will all be back next time. 

"We do have a few ideas for new events but we are keeping them under wraps pending risk assessments."

The party was opened and hosted by John Scott from Itv's This Morning and also had other events such as egg splat and the giant sack race as well as a dog show and a classic car parade.