PEOPLE can enjoy an event which has gone from a small village fete to welcoming a 'couple of thousand' people to a village.

Visitors to Peopleton Autumn Show can look forward to all the usual activities they might expect as well as a few they might not.

The show, which has been going for 14 years, will take place on Saturday, September 7.

The village is expecting to welcome over 2,000 guests over the course of the event which will have stalls, kids entertainment, marquees, Morris dancers and much more. 

Les Bailey, one of the organisers of The Peopleton Autumn Show, said: "There will be loads going on, we will have a main ring with many cool activities, Morris dancers, dog agility and training, child games, tug of war, stalls and the main marquees with a full range of garden products from vegetables to flowers to paintings to sketches. 

"The Pershore Rugby Club will be there running games of walking rugby which I think is better suited for our older guests and Droitwich Archery will also be there to show people how to work a bow and arrow."

(Image: The Peopleton Autumn Show)

Entry to the event will cost £5 with under 16s able to attend for free.

All the money raised will go towards local causes including St Nicholas Church in the village.

The show will also have a bar, barbecue and bouncy castles.

(Image: The Peopleton Autumn Show)

Mr Bailey continued: "Over 200 classic cars are coming to the village and the forecast is looking very good. 

"It used to be a little garden fete but we now draw at least a couple of thousand visitors.

"Last year was one of our best and we were very fortunate to have a Spitfire flyover, but it's a lot of work and we always have a good range and there's something for all. 

"Everyone loves it because it's a true village event and lots of people I spoke to last year said they would be coming back.

"I'm looking forward to it and I love it because it's just a good afternoon out."

The show will start at midday and finish at 6pm.