A TOWN nursery held a graduation party for its youngsters who will be heading off to big school.

Stepping Stones Nursery’s event in Pershore was jungle-themed with a bouncy castle, fancy dress, face painting, jungle food and jungle games.

Manager Chelsea Hale said: “We had a great time and celebrated the next step in our pre-schoolers’ education.

“We are so proud of the independent, confident and wonderful children they are.

“The children had lots of fun.

“We will also be holding a graduation ceremony on the children’s last day with graduation gowns and certificates.

“We are a small setting within Pershore that really allows us to cater to the children’s individual needs and their interests are always at the heart of everything we do.

“We take daily outings with the children and also have a free-flow environment indoors which is enriched with colour.

“We are attached to the Civic Centre in Pershore (in Queen Elizabeth Drive).

“I have been the manager for just over a year and this is the first graduation I have held for the children and we placed maximum effort into it.”

The nursery’s graduates are Harry Chaplin, Isla Gibb, Bonnie Morris, Tallulah Hale, Lily Winkett, Paisley Willetts and Jacob Burford.

For more details on the nursery, visit stepping-stones-pershore.co.uk.