REJECTED plans to build 40 homes in Honeybourne have gone to appeal.

Residents had celebrated a “victory for common sense” in December when Wychavon District Council threw out a scheme to build on land off Stratford Road.

But Deeley Homes has now appealed to the Planning Inspectorate, meaning the decision is now out of the council’s hands.

CAMPAIGN: Villagers protesting about the proposed development in DecemberCAMPAIGN: Villagers protesting about the proposed development in December (Image: Save Our Honeybourne)

A campaign group that formed to oppose the plans says the development - if given the go-ahead - would represent a 77 percent growth in the size of the village in little over a decade.

Residents say it also flies in the face of the Honeybourne Neighbourhood Development Plan, a planning document created in 2020.

Campaign group member Shahid Naqvi said: “This is an opportunistic profit-driven land grab by Deeley Homes.

READ MORE: Decision on 40 homes in Honeybourne near Evesham made

“A 60-house estate in an adjacent field has barely completed and now Deeley Homes want to concrete over more green space.

"The amount of housing in Honeybourne has grown by a phenomenal 71 per cent since 2011. It is unsustainable and puts unacceptable pressure on the already creaking local infrastructure.

“As many people as possible should voice their objection to this and send out a clear message that enough is enough.”

Fellow group member Louise Garfield, who lives on Stratford Road, said: “Like so many others in Honeybourne, I am sick and tired of the village being seen as a soft target by greedy developers.

“Over the last two years, I have had the Owl Homes development go up behind my house and now this in front of my house.

“The district council rightly rejected this scheme for valid reasons last year and none of the arguments by Deeley Homes’ solicitors should change that.

“Anyone who wants to stop this destruction of our lovely countryside needs to make themselves heard during this appeal process by 19 August before it’s too late.”

In documents submitted as part of its appeal, Deeley Homes says “the council has not provided any evidence to substantiate” its reason for refusal and claims the council has “acted unreasonable [sic] in refusing the application”.

It says the refusal caused Deeley Homes “to incur unnecessary wasted expense in the appeal process”, adding that it will be submitting an application for an award of costs.

Ciaran Power, head of development management for Wychavon District Council, said: “We intend to address the assertions within the appellant's cost claim as part of the ongoing appeal.

“Given this is an active planning appeal, we must review all evidence provided by the appellant before offering a formal response therefore it would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage.”

A spokesman for Deeley Homes said: "There is a significant shortage of both affordable and private homes across Wychavon, with it being one of the most unaffordable places to live in the Midlands.

"Honeybourne is one of the most sustainable villages in the district with its train station and local facilities and is therefore an appropriate location for future housing growth. 

"The railway and watercourse to the east and the south of the site restricts further growth in the area and the councils own landscape officer confirmed “that the development would be seen as a natural extension to the village.

"The new labour proposals put an emphasis on boosting housing delivery in sustainable locations, with good access to public transport links and nature.  All of the homes on site will meet the Future Homes Standard, including renewable technology and be designed in keeping with the existing homes in the village.

"Our proposals do not impact highways safety or flood risk and also provide an on-site biodiversity net-gain alongside up to 16 new affordable homes for local people. "