ON Monday, July 22 a company presumably hired by British Gas started digging up Abbey Road with its junction with Abbey Lane to lay and connect a gas mains for the new Taylor Wimpey Abbey Fields housing development.

A five-day job I was told by one of the contractors.

By Wednesday lunchtime the trenches had been dug and the ‘mains’ pipe exposed ready for connection.

That’s where it all went pear-shaped.

By early afternoon all contractors had disappeared from site leaving a ‘speed hump’ on a single lane traffic-light controlled.

This speed hump drastically reduced the speed of traffic thus leaving huge queues up and down Abbey Road.

On Thursday and Friday no work was being carried out and on Thursday the traffic management vehicle was nowhere to be seen.

On Friday he was back but situated in Abbey Lane thus no line of sight as to where the traffic chaos was building up.

I pointed this out to the contractor but he decided he would stay where he was.

No work over the weekend so Evesham residents had to put up with disruption to their journeys.

So where is Worcestershire County Council in all of this mess?

What are they doing about it?

Well, apart from sending an official to take photographs — nothing.

Meanwhile, the town remains in gridlock causing disruption and inconvenience to many residents. Disgraceful.

Andrew Racey


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