IT is a pleasure to write to you for the first time since the general election where I had the privilege of being re-elected as the MP for the new constituency of Droitwich, Evesham and the villages.

I am very grateful to everyone who voted for me but it is my duty and honour to represent everyone in the constituency, no matter who they voted for.

Upon returning to parliament, I was delighted to be appointed to the role of Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury, mirroring the previous role I held in government.

I am looking forward to holding the new Labour government to account and there is already plenty of work to be done.

For example, the government is already claiming that the state of the finances is worse than they had anticipated despite all key information being publicly available when they were in opposition.

The new government inherited the fastest-growing economy in the G7 and inflation at target at two per cent — far better than the Conservatives inherited in 2010 when inflation, unemployment and the annual debt were all higher than they are now.

Furthermore, government is about making difficult choices and I know many of my constituents are already questioning some of the choices the new government is making — in particular granting above-inflation pay increases while taking winter fuel payments away from many pensioners.

I also question these choices and there will be further tough decisions to come following the unfunded spending commitments Labour made during the election campaign which has now prompted them to increase taxes.

During the election campaign I also expressed grave concerns about Labour’s instincts to make top-down decisions from offices in Whitehall that impact the countryside and I know the proposed ‘acceleration’ of the Worcestershire Parkway development has alarmed a number of constituents.

It is concerning that the government — which on one hand is devolving power to largely Labour metro mayors — is adopting a ‘Whitehall knows best approach’ for these sorts of developments.

Combined with a King’s Speech that made no mention of rural affairs, there is a very worrying trend about Labour’s approach to rural areas.

I will be seeking assurances and further details from the appropriate ministers about what these proposals entail.

Finally, with summer now upon us there have been a number of brilliant events across the constituency which I have been fortunate enough to attend.

Highlights include village fetes in Lower Moor and Honeybourne, the Ombersley Car Show and Evesham River Festival.

Nigel Huddleston

MP for Droitwich, Evesham and the villages