The Bidford on Avon and District Gardening Society's second planned day-long outing took place in June, touring two gardens and concluding with a third evening garden visit and pub meal.

The Society returned to Crawford Hall in July for the regular monthly meeting, and were treated to a talk by plant expert Bob Brown, who set up the Cotswold Garden Flowers nursery in Badsey in 1990.

His talk, titled 'A Bucket of Stuff,' centred around plants that provide high 'payback,' particularly for those with smaller gardens.

Mr Brown recommended hydrangeas such as lacecap with its big flowers, and paniculata which is perfumed.

Also discussed was agapanthus, which, contrary to popular belief, does not like to be confined in a pot, according to Mr Brown.

While most are not affected by cold weather, they can be killed by manure, so only top dress, and resist the temptation to dig the manure in, said Mr Brown.

The monthly competition, which was 'Three perennial stems,' saw Yvonne Rose securing first place, followed by Saulin Morgan in second, Ursula Key-David in third and Annette Haines in fourth.

The society’s upcoming meeting is on August 15, when the guest will be Helen Picton.

Ms Picton is the third generation of her family to manage Old Court Nurseries and the Picton Gardens at Colwell in the shadow of the Malvern Hills.

Her talk, 'Montana and Beyond,' will explore the world of clematis.

The monthly competition will be 'A clematis stem.'

New members and visitors are welcome to join the Society's meetings, which take place on the third Thursday of the month at the Crawford Hall at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

Those interested can obtain additional information by emailing or visiting the website