HOLIDAY lodges will be built at the former Riverside Hotel near Evesham despite objections from neighbours.

Wychavon District Council has approved plans for eight holiday lodges with decks to be built on the upper part of the site.

The hotel itself has already been converted into housing after planning approval was granted in 2017.

LODGES: Plans for the former Riverside Hotel siteLODGES: Plans for the former Riverside Hotel site (Image: DHA Architects)

District planners said the overall scale and design of the holiday lodges proposal was appropriate for the rural site and the traffic generated by it can be safely accommodated on local roads.

Officers said there would be “no undue drainage, flooding, highway safety or environmental consequences arising from the proposal” and that the lodges would be a boost for tourism.

But residents and councillors had plenty of concerns about the plans.

Cllr Emma Stokes said: “I am objecting to this application on the grounds of unsafe access onto the B4510 Offenham Road.

“This is significant and worrisome. I could not endorse additional vehicle movements.”

Aldington Parish Council said existing residents would be “significantly impacted” by the eight lodges and claimed it could result in “upwards of 48 people using the communal amenity land”.

A number of residents said the road junction to The Parks is already dangerous and will only get worse with the arrival of holiday lodges and more traffic.

Robert Pettican said: “This proposal will increase the traffic using The Parks.

“The exit from The Parks onto the Offenham Road is an extremely dangerous manoeuvre and it is only a matter of time before someone is killed.

“In addition there is an application to build 38 houses on The Parks. The impact of this also needs to be considered.”

Michael Parkins said: “Assuming a 50 percent occupancy and tourists traveling out each day, this will add another 1,460 car journeys along an access road that is single lane, in poor condition and incorporates a public footpath.

“The proposed 38-dwelling application that is currently pending for The Parks will create considerable issues at the junction from The Parks onto the B4510 and having potentially an additional 1,460 car journeys will make the junction even more congested and unsafe.”