A RIVER festival has been crowned as a success and is 'back to normal' following last year's washout.

The Evesham River Festival drew thousands of people to the river Avon last weekend, with "standing room only" during the main event on Saturday (July 13).

According to organisers there was a steady stream of footfall throughout the day, but the event was busiest during the evening during the illumination parade and firework display.

This year's theme was pub names. 

Adrian Mayhew, safety officer at The Evesham River Festival, said: "It went very, very well, there were crowds throughout the day and into the evening, I dare to think how many people were there. 

"Every available space was full during the illumination parade and the firework display. 

"It was definitely one of the best events we've had for the past few years and the weather was much better than last year's washout which is fantastic for the festival. 

"It was especially busy in the evening, there was standing room only, every available space was being used and it was just like the good old days which was fantastic to see."

The Evesham River Festival draws between 5,000 and 10,000 people annually and has been going for over 30 years. 

Mr Mayhew continued: "The bands were excellent and it was everything we hoped it would be. 

"Lots of people said they enjoyed it and the better weather certainly helped although some more sunshine would have been nice. 

"Lots of people said they would be coming back next year and it's nice to put on a show. 

"I particularly liked the raft race, the lifeguard rescue and the Avon Navigation team's pedalos they looked like giant dragons and they looked funny.

"There was lots going on, off and on the water and everyone was having a wonderful time. 

"It was a delight for boaters and families and that is what it is all about."

The event is organised by four people on a "shoestring" budget. 

Andrew Dyke, Evesham Town Council councillor, said: "We went down Saturday lunchtime and the boats were all lined up and there were lots of people. 

"We had a couple of drinks and looked at the boats and stands, it was a joy to see and absolutely wonderful."