A HORSE RIDER has had a lucky escape after a truck tried to overtake the pair on a bend in a village near Evesham. 

The incident happened on June 30 in Middle Littleton and was caught on camera by the horse rider's mother who felt she had to accompany her daughter for her safety.

Kerry Bucknall, the mother of Ellie Bucknall (the horse rider involved in the incident), said: "That stretch of the road is so dangerous, we are a riding family and I am finding I have to go out with my daughter for her own safety. 

"She is 20 years old and I shouldn't have to, but even when there are two of us, we find that it is still not safe.

"She was lucky, quite often a lot of young horses bolt and that has happened before, a lot of road users don't seem to know that a horse has a brain and it's getting more and more dangerous to ride on roads."

The incident was caught on camera and later posted to Facebook, and appears to show a truck coming to an abrupt stop after deciding not to overtake on a bend.

The truck driver on the other side of the road who had stopped and the mother then appear to tell the driver to slow down. 

Mrs Bucknall continued: "The driver was definitely going more than 30mph and only stopped because he saw the other truck on the other side of the road.

"It's pretty scary too be honest, we feel like we can't go on the road, I have spoken to the parish council and they said they would be putting up horse signs and a flashing speed sign. 

"Some lorry drivers are brilliant, but then you have some who, I don't know, seem to have a lack of respect or a lack of knowledge and don't seem to know what to do.

"It makes me so angry, in the moment it was pure fear and sheer terror, I was so scared for my daughter's safety, she was just lucky it didn't bolt, and this is not the first incident. 

"She is now saying that she doesn't want to go on the road."

Mrs Bucknall did say that she had sent the video to the police, who said that they had sent a written warning to the owner of the vehicle.

A West Mercia Police spokesperson confirmed that a warning had been issued and advised drivers to be particularly careful when passing horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles.