AN animal sanctuary is hoping to raise enough money to buy the land it sits on by hosting its third and final festival before time runs out. 

The Freedom Fields Festival will be returning to The Farm Animal Sanctuary in Middle Littleton, near Evesham, on July 6 and 7. 

Visitors will be able to see the rescued animals along with live music and stalls for what could be the last time. 

In 2021 the sanctuary, at Manor Orchard Farm, was given the option to buy the farm for just shy of £1 million after it was put up for sale. 

The renting lease with the landowner will come to an end in December and it has been made clear that it will not be renewed.

Freedom Fields Festival Freedom Fields Festival (Image: The Farm Animal Sanctuary)

Louise Stuart, manager at The Farm Animal Sanctuary said: "This is our final year to raise money to buy the farm and we have made around £200,000 so far which isn't bad. 

"Freedom Fields will have vegan food, live music, speakers, stalls, and a kid's area with a bouncy castle and face painting.

"It's a proper family-friendly event and of course, all the rescued animals will be available to see with signs showcasing their backgrounds. 

"The 19 goats we rescued in May will be there, and so will the sheep we rescued a couple of years ago as well as Clive and Ernie." 

Clive and Ernie who are brothers are two donkeys that the sanctuary rescued in November last year. 

Mrs Stuart continued: "They are both four years old and they were going to be put to sleep after their owner became terminally ill. 

"We were phoned a day before and so we rushed down to rescue them. 

"I really love this event as it welcomes so many people to the farm. 

"I'm watching the weather like a hawk, hopefully it will be nice." 

Freedom Fields Festival Freedom Fields Festival (Image: The Farm Animal Sanctuary)

The sanctuary has been operating for over 38 years with over 25 years at Manor Orchard Farm and welcomed 1,500 visitors to Freedom Fields last year. 

In 38 years staff estimate that over 100,000 farm animals have been helped. 

Mrs Stuart said: "We are trying not to think about what might happen if we can't raise the money. 

"It's unthinkable, we are just trying to raise as much money as possible." 

In 2021, the founder of The Farm Animal Sanctuary, Jan Taylor admitted that some animals might have to be put down if the organisation had to move.