RUGBY players came to a bowling club's aid after 'young lads' were abusive towards members.

Players from Evesham Rugby club halted training on June 18 to stop young men who were interrupting a bowling match at neighbouring Evesham Bowling Club. 

The players were alerted after the youths continued to use bad language and had thrown two metal irrigation poles over a hedge onto the playing field. 

A couple of 'lady members' decided to approach the rugby players after police did not turn up after being called twice according to the club.

Nigel Gould, chairman of Evesham Bowling Club, said: "Three young lads were being abusive and using bad language towards our members yesterday (June 18) evening. 

"The lads threw two metal irrigation poles over the hedge as well as a tire, and they also stuck another pole through.

"If someone had been walking past then it probably would have killed them if it had hit them. 

"We called the police two or three times and we were told that someone had been dispatched, but nobody ever turned up." 

Luckily, rugby players had been training at the neighbouring club and were approached by the bowling club.

Mr Gould continued: "A couple of lady members asked the players what they were doing and they came over to establish what was going on.

"When the players came over, the lads ran away and they moved the irrigation poles away.

"It was definitely intimidating, if someone had been walking past then they could have been injured."

The poles had been lying disused underneath the hedge. 

Mr Gould said: "We have been here since 1992 and we have only had the very odd isolated incident happen. 

"We had a couple of lads on the hedge on Monday (June 17), but I don't know if they are the same people. 

"I don't know if they are local but I hope not, hopefully they don't come back."

A West Mercia Police spokesperson said: "We received a call around 6.40pm with a report of anti-social behaviour at the Evesham Bowling club on Tuesday June 18. 

"Officers did attend but unfortunately the suspects had left the area and could not be located."