DISABLED Evesham residents have been left worried after a mobility charity announced the closure of its shop in town.

Evesham's Shopmobility has been in the town for over a decade and allows disabled customers access to wheelchairs, electric mobility scooters and their accessories. 

The shop is popular with residents who struggle to walk around the town, allowing customers to park outside, hire a scooter and drive around Evesham. 

Shopmobility has announced that it will be closing down on Saturday, June 29 as it is "no longer viable" according to the charity's trustees. 

Alan Booth, chairman of the trustees and Evesham town councillor, said: "It's a shame and a great loss for the town but unfortunately it's not viable anymore. 

"Shopmobility provides wheelchairs and electric mobility scooters in Evesham and it's something that elderly people need, however we rely on people hiring our scooters and the numbers have gone down since covid.

"People are going to miss it but we can't keep throwing money down the drain, we are losing a tremendous amount of money. 

"Before covid we were quite viable but business has not picked up and the state of the shopping centre is not helping, there's just no footfall at Riverside."

The shop currently employs two staff, and Mr Booth uses the service himself.

Terry Young who uses the service is "disgusted" at the shop's sudden closure.

Mr Young said: "I use Shopmobility often. 

"I drive into the car park and walk a few yards to hire a mobility scooter and it's really convenient.

"It's ideal for people with severe walking disabilities.

"When you see a red scooter in town it probably came from the shop.

"The closure of this service leaves no assistance to either local or visiting disabled who require a mobility scooter or wheelchair to travel around Evesham. 

"We have a great record of trying to attract visitors to our town and parks with all the events over weekends, we are alienating disabled visitors, what message is Evesham sending, are we discriminating against the disabled and elderly community?"

Shopmobility is currently located on the top level of the Riverside multi-storey car park.

Mr Young continued: "I have my own fold-up scooter but I have not got the strength to get it in and out of the car. 

"Without Shopmobility I wouldn't be able to do something as simple as going to get a coffee by myself.

"It seems strange that it suddenly has to close, there are other shops in other towns. 

"It's not about the cost, I would gladly pay double to keep the service in Evesham, it's the inconvenience."