A Badsey care home has celebrated the 100th birthday of one of its residents.

On Wednesday, June 5, Briarlea Care Home marked the centenary birthday of resident Rosemary Bentley.

Born in 1924, Mrs Bentley embarked on her working life as a nanny at 15 before joining the land army during the war, where she drove tractors.

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Upon leaving, she married her husband Stuart and moved into a small holding in Audley.

They raised chickens, geese, turkeys, and had two children, David and Susan.

Mrs Bentley later worked as a seamstress at Keele University in the catering department, where she sewed the aprons.

The couple relocated to be nearer to family about 20 years ago, before Mr Bentley passed away around 12 years ago.

Mrs Bentley has been residing at Briarlea since July 2020.

Mrs Bentley was joined by family and friends for her milestone, and even had a singer perform some classics.

The home also put on a buffet, which included one of the cooks Lisa Barnett's homemade birthday cake.