THE NUMBER of people arrested in Evesham's town centre has been released by West Mercia.

The figures were released during a town council meeting on June 10 by CSO Karen Kempton. 

She revealed that 18 people had been arrested in the town centre since January. 

CSO Kempton said: "18 people have been arrested since January 2024, for breach of court conditions, so went to court but was released. 

"Public order in the market square, a female was later sectioned under mental health. 

"Breach of a court order in place to protect a vulnerable female, charged a custodial sentence.

"Burglary offence location Evesham town centre, charged custodial sentence,

"Possession with intent to supply class A in the town centre, under investigation.

"Possession intent to supply class B another town centre under investigation.

"Possession intent class B with criminal damage, given the offender's age he was given 3 months at an intervention program.

"Possession to intent B in the high street, under investigation.

"Wanted on a warrant for failure to attend court

"Sevenb thefts from stores in the town centre, all charged,

"Assault in town centre and wanted on a warrant for failure to attend court."

CSO Kempton had originally said that police were involved in 988 incidents between March and May but this number was later revised to 256 by a West Mercia police spokesperson who said it was a genuine mistake.

CSO Kempton also said that the force had carried out two section 23 drug warrants and had been running plain-clothed operations to target drugs and theft in the town centre. 

West Mercia Police also ran a county lines intensification week in March and participated in Operation Spectre as well as seizing approximately £30,000 in illegal vapes from a shop in Evesham.

Operation Spectre was a week long national campaign across all police forces in England that was aimed at tackling knife crime. 

The illegal vapes were seized from a store on Port Street as part of a raid in partnership with the Worcestershire Trading Standards at the Worcestershire County Council.

Mark Goodge, Evesham town councillor, said: "The figures are in line with what we expect, not up or down so I'm happy. 

"The police are doing the job and they can focus on the things that are the most important such as the anti social behaviour problems in some parts of the town."