Not a blade of grass was left untouched according to the organiser of a car and bike show that took place in Evesham.

The Hampton Ferry Car and Bike Show drew crowds of over 2,000 vehicle enthusiasts on June 8. 

Over 400 cars and bikesOver 400 cars and bikes (Image: Robert Raphael)

Robert Raphael who organised the event, said: "It was a triumphant success and an awesome day out. 

"We must have had over 400 exhibitors from all over the country arrive, there was barely a blade of grass left untouched on the field. 

"We have been running the event every year for 14 years now apart from a break during covid, and this has been our biggest and best show in the event's history. 

"The weather was amazing and I am sure that helped, we could not have asked for any better."

The show started at 11am and finished at 4pm. 

Not a blade of grass left untouchedNot a blade of grass left untouched (Image: Robert Raphael)

Mr Raphael continued: "There was a great vibe, it was wonderful, casual and calm. 

"Everyone was looking at each other's cars, they were all highly polished and they were all being re-polished. 

"All in all it was a great day out."

There will be a second Hampton Ferry Car and Bike Show this year happening on September 14. 

Mr Raphael said: "I'm really looking forward to the next show, it's free to enter and there were a lot of people who said that they would be back in September."

Deputy mayor of Evesham, John Clatworthy said: "It was a magnificent function, there were more bikes and cars than I had ever seen before. 

"It was absolutely superb, there was one gentleman with a Bentley, I smiled and asked if I could sit inside and he said yes. 

"I took some pictures because there's no way I would ever be able to afford that car. 

"I was at a councillor's surgery in the morning and by the time I arrived it was absolutely full which was wonderful. 

"Hopefully there will be a good turnout in September, not only were there a lot of bikes and cars of all ages, but there were also loads of spectators as well. 

"It was so well supported that one person I knew who was on the BBQ said that they had run out of food towards the end of the show."