Police have confirmed that they will be using dispersal orders to combat anti-social behaviour in Evesham. 

During an Evesham Town Council meeting on Monday CSO Karen Kempton, a police officer from West Mercia Police confirmed that ASB was a particular problem in Evesham and that the benches outside the former Barclays Banks was a hotspot. 

CSO Kempton said: "We will now be using dispersal orders for anyone who is suspected to have committed or could be committing ASB. 

"We would only use a dispersal order if we felt that drinking could lead to ASB. 

"They must stop when asked and we can take their alcohol, they could also be asked to move on. 

"If they don't move on then a dispersal order will be issued and they will be banned from the area for 48 hours."

A councilor also questioned drinking in Workman Gardens to which he stated that "most people in Evesham think that it's a no-drink area."

The police officer confirmed that this was not true.