A STALWART town councillor has received an historic honour  after 37 years of service and over a decade as mayor. 

Christopher Parsons MBE has decided to leave Pershore Town Council after 37 years as a councillor, with 11 years as Pershore Town mayor and ten years as deputy mayor. 

As a result of his service, Pershore Town Council has made Mr Parsons an Honorary Freeman of the town, the first in the town's history.

Mr Parsons said: "It was a total shock and it is a big honour to be the town's first Honorary Freeman. 

"I would like to thank the town council for the honour they have bestowed on me and I am truly humbled.

"After 37 years I decided to step down as I just wanted to create more time for myself and the family. 

"In the summer months, I spend a lot of time in Somerset and I love nothing more than painting down there."

Mr Parsons also spent 43 years in the fire service and first moved to Pershore in 1975. 

Mr Parsons continued: "It's been a privilege to help the welfare of the town and I have tried to provide what the town has needed. 

"Throughout my time as a councillor, I have had a lot of fun along the way, I would also like to pay tribute to my family and wife Jan, without their support I would not have been able to do half of what I did.

During his mayorship, Mr Parsons chose to raise money for cancer-related charities and raised just short of £50,000 over the 11 years.

Mr Parsons said: "Over the years I was very fortunate to be involved in the purchase of the library and I was heavily involved in its refurbishment.

"What I enjoyed the most was the restoration of the cemetery chapel after it had fallen into a poor state. 

"I worked closely with the builder and we ended up with a superb chapel with a beautiful stained glass window.

"It has truly been a privilege to be in this position to do things in the town."

A spokesperson for Pershore Town Council said: "We thank you for your service, Chris, your wealth of knowledge has been invaluable, and we know you will go on to enjoy your newfound freedom."