A Mercury Prize nominated musician will be performing in Cardigan at the end of May.

Former I Am Kloot frontman, John Bramwell, is set to display his solo talent at Mwldan on Friday, May 31.

His concert is anticipated to enchant the audience as he plays his recent album "The Light Fantastic."

This compilation of twelve songs varying in theme from life to the universe signifies a joyful change in direction from Bramwell's previous dark, band centric tunes.

The show, taking a turn from his Mercury Prize-nominated Manchester band era, involves strings and four-part harmonies, a fresh move considering I Am Kloot had no backing vocals.

Tickets are selling now at Mwldan's website for £25, with the show scheduled to start at 7.30pm.

To book over the phone, call 01239 621 200 between 12-8pm, Tuesday to Sunday.