Oliver Walker has been named as the Lib Dem candidate for the Droitwich and Evesham constituency at the next general election.

Droitwich and Evesham will be the new name for the Mid-Worcestershire constituency, as boundary changes will come into force whenever Prime Minister Rishi Sunak decides to call an election.

That could be anytime between now and December.

It has already been confirmed that current Mid-Worcestershire MP Nigel Huddleston will defend his seat at the next general election.

Mr Walker, who lives in Worcestershire, says he has a strong track-record of campaigning for positive change.

He was previously an armourer, manufacturing medieval armour. During Covid he started work as a trainee manager and is now a money mentor and product specialist at Barclays.

Mr Walker says he is passionate about tackling the threat of climate change and wants to make it easier for individuals and businesses to transition to a net-zero world.

He is also keen to improve education for all, encouraging schools to move away from the “exam factory” mentality and focus more on teaching the skills necessary for modern life and employment.

He is also determined to highlight the need to improve public transport.

“I am thrilled to be selected to stand for the Liberal Democrats at the next General Election,” said Mr Walker.

“I look forward to continuing to work with all our fantastic councillors and activists in the constituency to ensure we have a fairer society.

“The area has such a rich tradition of electing Liberal Democrats at local level and I am determined to show there is an alternative to the status quo.

"The Conservatives have trashed the economy and continue to be bogged down in their internal feuds.

“Inflation has made our lives harder; mortgages and rents are soaring, our schools are crumbling and ambulances are queuing round the hospitals.

“The government's only answer is to plan tax hikes and service cuts that will affect the poorest. I will work with all residents to ensure they are heard and get the public services we deserve.”