Residents of Wychavon are being asked to report any sightings of rough sleepers in the district over the Christmas period.

People can report sightings to the Streetlink service at, who will then relay the details to Wychavon and their partners.

Once found, these rough sleepers are checked upon, and if they aren't already receiving help, assistance, including accommodation, will be offered.

Between December 23 and December 27, shelters will open in Wychavon under the operation of charity Caring for Communities & People (CPP) to cater for the homeless.

CPP also open the shelters during severe weather under the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol.

Councillor Rick Deller, executive board member for housing and regulatory services for Wychavon District Council, said: "We don’t want anyone to be sleeping on our streets at any time of the year, but especially at Christmas, so I am pleased we are able to provide people in need with a warm and safe place to go.

"Our housing team and our partners work incredibly hard throughout the year to support people who are homeless, as well as prevent people from losing their homes in the first place.

"But despite all the support available, we sadly still see people sleeping rough.

"We can offer help if we know where people are.

"If you see someone sleeping rough, please use and let us know, and maybe we can change someone’s life for the better this Christmas."

The call to residents is part of the small change Big Difference campaign, which aims to highlight work being done to help the homeless and encourage people to donate to projects which are doing this work.

The council says it wants "to help end homelessness for good" by working with charities, housing providers, and other organisations.

Locals are encouraged to show their support for the homeless by donating to registered charity partners that work with Wychavon council, or by volunteering to help out at one of the charities.

More information can be found on the Wychavon website.