THIEVES broke into an Evesham shop two nights running.

Asparagus and strawberries were stolen as Hampton Farm Shop on Pershore Road was burgled earlier this week.

The perpetrators returned two nights in a row, unable to gain access on the second occasion, resorting to smashing the windows instead.

Owner Chris Groves said: “To be honest I have never felt vulnerable before but it certainly has made me feel more weary.

“It upset me because it’s really hard for everybody at the moment.

“We are working our butts off to keep going.

“With the cost of living crisis, it’s disappointing.”

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Evesham Journal: Police tape around the farm shopPolice tape around the farm shop (Image: Chris Groves)

The offenders are understood to have broken into the cold storage area at the back of the building on Tuesday night (May 9).

This was the second time the fridge had been broken into in less than a week.

Unable to get through to the shop, they decided to steal fresh produce.

“They took lots of strawberries and asparagus, high-value items,” added Mr Groves.

Staff spent the next day making the site secure and when the culprits returned the next night, they were unable to get in.

Mr Groves said: “They couldn’t get into the shop so instead made a lot of mess and smashed the windows which meant we couldn’t open for a few hours on Thursday.

“They caused us a lot of inconvenience.”

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Evesham Journal: Windows were smashed as would-be thieves failed to get into the shopWindows were smashed as would-be thieves failed to get into the shop (Image: Chris Groves)

News of the break-ins has been shared on the shop’s Facebook page, with dozens of residents flocking to the comments to voice their support.

Dan Groves wrote: “Keep smiling and hang on in there!

“What goes around comes around and they will get their comeuppance!”

Tricia Sims added: “What an awful thing to happen Chris to you and your business.

“You all work so hard. Hope they get caught.”

Mr Groves said: “The support we have had from customers, friends and family and has been amazing.”

He explained that police were called out on the second occasion, after being alerted by neighbours.

Officers arrived within minutes, with a forensic team later arriving, Mr Groves says.

A West Mercia Police spokesperson said: “Offenders attempted to break into Hampton Farm Shop in Pershore Road, Evesham, shortly before 2am yesterday (May 11) by smashing two windows.

"The chiller door was left wide open.

"There was blood left at the scene so it is believed the offender sustained cuts from the broken glass.

"We acted to board up the windows and padlock the chiller door to make the property secure."

Evesham Journal: Kim Philpott, Nicola Hedger, and Chris GrovesKim Philpott, Nicola Hedger, and Chris Groves (Image: Chris Groves)