POLICE arrested nine people across Worcester as part of a drive to tackle 'persistent criminals.'

The arrests in and around the city included some suspected of shop thefts and one wanted on recall to prison, as part of a series of raids under Operation Justice.

Officers also carried out a raid this morning and arrested a woman while she was feeding her sheep, near Evesham. 

Evesham Journal: DETERMINED: Officers scale a fence in Evesham to make an arrest for a public order offence DETERMINED: Officers scale a fence in Evesham to make an arrest for a public order offence (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

Five officers in a marked van carried out the arrest at Corn Mill Road, Evesham, with officers scaling a fence to gain entry.

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The suspect, who was feeding her sheep in the garden at the time, was arrested for a public order offence. Police said she had failed to attend two interviews which she denied.

"I did attend two interviews - and I have proof," she said.

Evesham Journal: ARREST: A public order arrest was made in Evesham on Tuesday as part of Operation Justice ARREST: A public order arrest was made in Evesham on Tuesday as part of Operation Justice (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

She was placed in the back of the police van and taken to the custody suite at Worcester Police Station in Castle Street.

Officers also arrived at the home of a woman in Sedgeberrow wanted for a suspected attack on a paramedic although checks revealed she was not at the address. A further check was made at Cowl Street in Evesham for a defendant wanted for shop theft but he was no longer at the address.

Of the nine Worcester arrests, in total eight of the arrests were planned and the recall arrest was spontaneous after police acted on intelligence following a sighting of a suspect.

West Mercia Police is undertaking a force-wide week of action to target individuals 'persistent in their criminality and who create the most harm among communities.'

Chief Superintendent Paul Moxley said on Monday: “This will include arresting a number of individuals who are wanted for crimes such as burglary drugs and anti-social behaviour.

“Operation Justice will mean increased police activity at various times as suspects are taken into custody.

“We will be providing further updates throughout the week about the progress of the operation and will share images when we have them, of any items seized such as drugs, knives and stolen items.

“At the end of the week, we will also provide a summary of the outcomes as a result of the operation including arrests made and anticipated future court appearances.

“Operation Justice aims to track down those suspects who thought that they may have evaded prosecution, those who have gone to ground and those who continue to blight local communities with their unacceptable anti-social behaviour.”

Anyone who feels at risk or sees a crime in progress should contact 999. Alternatively use the online ‘Tell Us About’ form on www.westmercia.police.uk.

Crimes can also be reported anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website: www.crimestoppers-uk.org.