A 57-year-old man who was abusive to a victim in front of a large crowd has been given a curfew. 

Alexander Wheeler, of Middle Littleton, Evesham, appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court to be sentenced for using threatening/abusive/insulting words/behaviour with intent to cause fear of/provoke unlawful violence.

The court heard the offence took place on May 3 last year. 

Evesham Journal: CASE: Alexander Wheeler's case was heard at Worcester Magistrates CourtCASE: Alexander Wheeler's case was heard at Worcester Magistrates Court

Mark Armstrong, chairman of the magistrates bench, told Wheeler he was receiving a six-month community order which included 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

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The chairman told Wheeler his offence was aggravated by the offence taking place in front of a large crowd.

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Wheeler was told the order included a four-month curfew which would be in place between the hours of 9.30pm and 7am nightly, excluding Tuesdays. 

Wheeler was also ordered to pay compensation of £75, court costs of £135, and victim surcharge of £95. 

Wheeler's offer to pay the £305 total at a rate of £50 a month was accepted by magistrates.

The case was heard at the court on March 21.