A PERSHORE man has been given a domestic violence protection preventing 'molestation' of two named people.

Dean Bickerstaff, 45, has been given the domestic violence protection order made for 28 days at Exeter Magistrates' Court.

Bickerstaff of Mill Lane Close, must not 'molest' the two people (meaning molestation in general and also the following particular acts of molestation).

He must not be violent towards the two people and must not instruct or encourage any other person to do so.

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Bickerstaff must not be intimidating, harassing, or pestering and must not instruct, or encourage, any other person to be either towards the two people.

He must not have any direct or indirect contact, meeting, or any communication in person or via any other person (including text message, calls and social media) or instruct, or encourage any other person to do so, unless via a court order, agreement of the court, formal mediation or through a Solicitor.

Bickerstaff must also not enter certain roads in Torquay, Devon, apart from on one occasion accompanied by a police officer to collect personal property.

The order will last until 11.59pm on March 7 2023.