A DRINK driver crashed at a roundabout before abandoning his car and going to a friend's to continue his drinking, a court heard.

Magistrates told Mark Johns he had endangered the lives of others during the offence that was committed on January 5 this year. 

The 44-year-old, of Gras Close, Bretforton, near Evesham, admitted drink driving when he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court on Thursday, (January 26). 

Fatima Yasmin, prosecuting, said police were called to a crash in Badsey Road, Evesham, involving a silver Citroen Berlingo van. 

Evesham Journal: COURT: Driver driver Mark Jones crashed at a roundaboutCOURT: Driver driver Mark Jones crashed at a roundabout (Image: Facebook)

The prosecutor said the van had hit road signs and skidded before coming to a rest in the middle of the roundabout. 

Miss Yasmin said the driver had abandoned the vehicle. 

Johns was identified as the driver as traced by police through the van's number plate and his phone that was left in the car. 

Through the help of his wife Johns was eventually tracked down to a friend's house where he was arrested smelling of alcohol, intoxicated and unsteady on his feet. 

The prosecutor said Johns was taken to the police station where he gave an evidential specimen of 87mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath - the legal limit being 35mcg. 

Miss Yasmin added: "In interview he admitted driving the van after drinking half a bottle of vodka."

She added Johns had also said he left the scene of the crash to go to a friend's address "to continue to drink". 

Evesham Journal: COURT: Marks Johns appeared at Worcester Magistrates CourtCOURT: Marks Johns appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court

Asked if there was anything he wanted to say Johns, who represented himself, said: "I regret my actions, it is out of character for me."

Johns added that he was currently struggling financially, working a minimum wage job in a friend's factory.

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Ian Latimer, chairman of the magistrates bench, said: "It is very severe, you were involved in an accident endangering other members of the public."

Johns was disqualified from driving for 20 months. 

The defendant was offered the chance to take the drink-drive awareness course which, if he successfully completes, will reduce the ban by 20 weeks. 

Johns was fined £300 and ordered to pay victim surcharge of £120. 

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His offer to pay the total, £420, at a rate of £10 per month was accepted by the magistrates. 

At the end of the hearing the chairman added: "You can go, we hope not to see you again".

Johns replied "You won't" as he left the courtroom.