THOUSANDS of people took up the offer of unlimited festive free bus travel which has been hailed a success. 

There were 6,978 passengers who took advantage of the free buses as shoppers flocked to Worcester city centre for Christmas shopping.

It is a 20 per cent increase for the equivalent Saturday in December before the pandemic.

And there were 26 per cent more than the number of paying passengers using First Bus services in Worcester the week before (Saturday, December 3). 

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The most popular bus route was the 32, bringing passengers from Baynhall and St Peter’s into the city centre.

This saw an uplift of 57 per cent compared to the previous Saturday. 

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Coming in a close second, was the 44 which brought in passengers from Great Malvern, Powick and Lower Wick, which was a 45 per cent week on week increase. 

The X50, which travels between Evesham, Pershore and Worcester, saw a 36 per cent uplift in passengers. 


The free unlimited travel took place on Saturday, December 10 on the following routes on to the city centre: 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 44, 45, 417, 144 (the Salt Road) and X50.

First Bus and Worcester City Council collaborated together in order to bring the initiative to life. 

Councillor Lynn Denham, vice chair of the city council’s Policy and Resources Committee, said it brought festive joy to the city and encouraged thousands of people to leave their cars at home. 

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Cllr Denham said “It is great to see that this new initiative has brought festive joy to both Worcester residents and shoppers coming into our city from other destinations.

"Thousands of people headed into the city on the free Christmas buses, many choosing to leave the car at home.

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"In the process, we also brought extra seasonal cheer to Worcester’s many shops and independent traders."

Rob Pymm, commercial director at First West of England, said: “We’re delighted that the free travel day was such a success.

"The City Council’s focus on the bus as a great form of sustainable transport is really welcome, and with their support, we were really happy to be able to give so many people a free ride.”