SCHOOLS in Worcestershire are preparing for next week's heatwave.

Record temperatures are expected to hit the city, with a number of schools putting special measures in place to keep pupils and staff healthy in the heat.

Jane Price, headteacher at Bishop Perowne, said a number of things were being done in-school to help, including allowing pupils to wear their PE kit to school.

She said: "We are offering room changes for the classrooms we know are the most likely to be in direct sun and therefore the warmest. 

"We are also operating the school as if it is a 'wet break' at break and lunch therefore additional spaces will be open inside and we will be asking students to stay inside out of the sun."

READ MORE: Heat warning alert level raised to red alert

Mrs Price also confirmed outdoor lessons and activities will be moved indoors, and outdoor sporting events will no longer be taking place.

She added plentiful supplies of water would be made available throughout the day too.

Elsewhere, Pershore High School is to close on Monday and Tuesday due to the heat.

In Evesham, Prince Henry's High School is taking similar measures to Bishop Perowne including moving indoors and allowing pupils to wear their PE kit or unform without blazer or tie.

Worcestershire County Council has told all the county's schools to take action and prepare for the heatwave.

In a communication sent to school leaders, Worcestershire Children First wrote: "We strongly advise you cancel all non-essential activities to ensure the safety of staff and pupils.

READ MORE: Government announces update on school closures

"We recognise that leaders will have to take mitigating actions to manage the health and safety of staff and pupils and these decisions will be taken at school level dependent on circumstances at the time.

"Schools, special schools in particular, will also be considering the needs of children more vulnerable to high temperatures and planning with parents/carers to manage this."

The Met Office has warned of an 'exceptional hot spell on Monday and Tuesday leading to widespread impacts on people and infrastructure'.

Temperatures in the mid to high 30s are being expected, with some parts of the country potentially in for 40C heat.