THE number of staff taking home six-figure salaries from the city and county councils has been revealed.

Thirteen members of staff at the city and county council combined are enjoying wages of over £100,000 at a time when residents' budgets are being stretched.

Both Worcestershire County and Worcester City Council have said they remain committed to transparency when it comes to the salaries of their staff.

The Tax Payer's Alliance data reveals a list of council employees in the UK, in receipt of over £100,000 and other high earnings in total remuneration in a single financial year.

John O’Connell, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: “Taxpayers facing a cost of living crisis want to know they are getting value for money from their local authority leadership.

“With households having suffered through the pandemic and now struggling under colossal tax bills, the country needs councils to prioritise key services without resorting to punishing tax hikes."

We have compiled the information for employees of Worcestershire County Council according to the data.

According to the data, the highest-earning position in Worcestershire County Council is the chief executive, with an annual salary of £183,960.

Out of the 2911 positions across the UK that the data shows a salary for, the chief executive for Worcestershire County Council takes position 87.

In second is the director of economy and infrastructure, with a salary of £142,500, and the third is the director of commercial and change with a salary of £137,500.

The data also reveals the top four highest-earning salaries for Worcester City Council.

In the top spot was the managing director, David Blake, with a total salary of £115,465, with the director of place and resources, Shane Flynn, in joint second with a salary of £86,385.

In third was the director of homes and communities, Lloyd Griffith, with a salary of £83,686.

Worcester City Council confirmed that the director posts have changed slightly from the information published by the TaxPayers' Alliance.

A total of 2957 positions across the UK are included in the data, with just 46 salaries not accounted for.

Evesham Journal: The Guildhall in Worcester.The Guildhall in Worcester.

Richard Taylor, assistant director for HR, Organisational Development and Engagement at the county council, said: "The council publishes its approach to the payment of our workforce via its Pay Policy Statement as required by the Localism Act as approved by full Council.

"We remain committed to being open and transparent about pay and information on chief officer remuneration is available within our Pay Policy and our annual Statement of Accounts on our website."

A spokesperson for the city council said: "The council publishes its pay policy annually, which is intended to provide the citizens of Worcester with a clear statement of the principles underpinning relevant decisions on the use of public funds."