A town council has apologised to a caller who claimed she was “shouted down” by the town clerk.

Katie Gilbert called the town clerk to ask about the social media usage of councillors but claims she was shouted down by the clerk and spoken to in a derogatory manner.

Her complaint was seemingly upheld before being progressed to stage three, however none of the councillors involved seemed to know what that involved.

Now, Ms Gilbert says she has received an email from the mayor effectively drawing a line under the matter, stating that both sides have their own version of what was said during the conversation.

Ms Gilbert adds that the email expresses apology from the town council for her taking offence and that the council will now review its customer services and complaints procedure.

Despite this, town clerk Francesca Pridding maintains her position.

She said: “The complaint against me was made in response to my refusing to allow a member of the public have details of a staff member's contract.

“I have only ever accepted that I should have been able to de-escalate the situation better.

“Council staff have no means of defending themselves against councillor and social media abuse, and I will not allow either to take place where I can help it.”

Ms Gilbert responded: "I have followed the procedures laid down by the Town Council and been honest and forthright with every account and detail as I could be."

She added that she was disappointed that the council had not fully accepted the offence caused.