A WEST Mercia Police officer has been sacked at a gross misconduct hearing for a number of breaches including sexual assaults and failing to act with self control.

The allegations PC James Walters was found guilty of were said be so serious they amounted to instant dismissal.

The misconduct hearing upheld 10 allegations against PC Walters, who had been been based in the operation patrol unit in the north of the force's area.

It heard on Friday he breached three standards of professional behaviour relating to authority, respect and courtesy, equality and diversity, using offensive and harassing behaviour and language towards colleagues and engaging in sexual conduct or other inappropriate behaviour while on duty, including sexual harassment and sexual assaults.

The hearing, chaired by an independent legally qualified chair, dismissed him from duty and he was added to the College of Policing Barred List ensuring he will not be employable by the UK Police Service in future.

Superintendent Rebecca Love, West Mercia Police's head of professional standards, said: “We expect the highest standards of professional behaviour from all of our officers, both towards members of the public and their colleagues.

"James Walters behaviour and actions while on duty breached the standards of behaviour that are essential in serving our communities, which is why he has been dismissed from the force and added to the College of Policing Barred List.”

The hearing is subject to appeal.