THREE men have been jailed for their parts in the murder of a Worcestershire man at his home.

Mohammed Saddam Hussain, Adam Carpenter and Faisel Fiaz have each been jailed for life after the murder of Colton Bryan at his home in Redditch in July last year.

Hussain, 24, of Oakfield Avenue, Birmingham, was given a life sentence with a minimum of 24 and a half years.

He was also handed a 10-year sentence for conspiracy to rob and a three-year sentence for perverting the course of justice.

These will run concurrent to his life sentence.

21 year-old Carpenter, of Wharrington Hill, Redditch, was handed a life sentence with a minimum of 25 years in addition to 11 years for conspiracy to rob again.

This will also run concurrent to his life sentence.

Fiaz, 21, of Millsbro Road, Redditch, was given a life sentence with a minimum of 23 years.

In addition, he was given 10 years for conspiracy to rob, which will run concurrent to his life sentence.

The three men were sentenced at Worcester Crown Court on March 19 after being convicted earlier this year.

Colton Bryan, aged 22, was attacked in his flat in Guinness Close, Redditch, in July last year, and died at the scene from stab wounds.

During the trial it was revealed the stabbing involved a large hunting knife nine inches long.

The court also heard Mohammed Hammed Hussain, the brother of Mohammed Saddam Hussain, left the country, boarding the first available flight to Pakistan after the stabbing.

Hammad Hussain is still being sought by the authorities in connection with the murder.

Detective Inspector Mark Walters said: "This was a vicious and unprovoked attack resulting in the murder of a young man in his own home for which these three offenders have rightly been found guilty of.

"The sentences issued by the court recognises the role that each of these individuals undertook in the tragic murder of Colton.

"Our thoughts continue to remain with Colton’s family at this extremely difficult time and will offer the family and all of Colton’s friends some measure of closure."

In a statement released after the trio's conviction, Mr Bryan's family said: "We are pleased with the verdict and our faith has been restored in the criminal justice system.

"However the thought of having to continue with our lives without Colton is still unbearable.

"To all those that have been affected, it would be an understatement to say that our lives will never be the same."

"Finally we would like to thank our family, friends, local community and police for your love and support during this tragic time.”