TRIBUTES have been paid to a backpacker from Malvern who drowned while travelling in Australia.

Police in Australia said an international tourist from the UK drowned in thermal pools. Although not formally identified the man has been named as Ed Lowe, a former lifeguard at Malvern Splash leisure complex.

After the news was announced Malvern Splash issued a statement paying tribute to the 23-year-old that said: "He was a very enjoyable and outgoing member of the team.

"At times a quiet person, he enjoyed his fitness and everyone at Splash who knew Ed is devastated by the news. Everyone at Malvern Splash would like to send their condolences to all of his family at this very sad time.”

The former The Chase Technology College pupil had been backpacking with friends when he visited the pools, a popular tourist hotspot in the town of Mataranka on August 7. Northern Territory Police say the 23-year-old had been swimming when he was pulled unconscious from the water by friends around 6pm that night.

READ MORE: Backpacker who drowned in Australia is named as Malvern man

Readers also paid tribute on social media.

Kerry Reynolds said: "I can’t believe it, Ed was a lovely happy carefree young man. Was in Australia living his dream, my thoughts are with his family. He will be missed by so many."

Carole Hughes said: "That's so sad and being in another country also. Thought are with his family."

Elaine Jacob said: "So so sad. Condolences to all his family and friends."

A file for the coroner was being by police who added his death was not being treated as suspicious.