I WOULD like to draw readers' attention to a talk about the insidious privatisation of our NHS, given by Marcus Chown on Friday, June 19.

I think most people would agree we have problems with our NHS.

The excellent Journal comment on June 18 reflects entirely the situation.

I also agree with Michael Parker's letter in the same edition. Nuclear deterrent is an immoral and unusable deterrent, and the huge sums saved would be better directed towards our NHS.

We are confronted with MPs gaining a 10 per cent pay rise at the same time that The Sunday Times (June 21) tells us about the £12 billion benefits cuts coming to the rest of us.

The BBC only gave a massive demonstration against the cuts in London (June 20) five seconds of air time.

KONP (Keep Our NHS Public) will meet at 7.30pm on Monday, July 13, at the White Horse Hotel, Pershore. Everyone welcome.

Jane Williams
